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Amoolya Kandula

Peel Off Base Coat – Do It Yourself

Hello ladies,

It’s been really long I’ve written an article. I am doing some clay jewelry and they are turning very beautiful so couldn’t stop doing more :P

Anyways do you love nail polish especially bright, dark and glitter polishes because I do and I always dreamt of changing my nail polish every day. With these kind of polish ranges its impossible to change everyday and very painful job if considered on daily basis. Like since past year I’ve been seeing something called peel of base coat, which is very expensive for a small bottle. So, I started looking for alternatives and found one awesome, easy and economical :P alternative. Today I will be doing a tutorial on DIY peel off coat for nails sit tight :)

Read: Make Your Own Nail Colour – DIY

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How to Make Crayon Lip Balm at Home? {Photo Tutorial}

Hello ladies,

I am really pleased everyone liked my first article, thank you. Here is my second article on how to make crayon lip balm (do not panic) :P When I first saw an you tube video regarding this topic I was super excited to try it. Now a days lot of lipsticks contain lead which is a big drawback. I don’t use lipsticks so this is the best alternative as lipstick with a little protection like lip balm.

Don’t forget to read: Nivea Pink Guava Lip Balm Review

how to make crayon lip balmRead More »How to Make Crayon Lip Balm at Home? {Photo Tutorial}

Coconut and Aloe Vera Gel Cream – Do It Yourself

Hi MABHians!

My name is Amoolya. I am doing a course namely Actuarial Sciences (not a problem if you never heard of it, most people never know what it is). This is my first contribution to MABH. I have never written any articles before and would like to be a part of MABH family soon with the support. I was never beauty conscious till I shifted to Mumbai :P I never cared about shopping I was the laziest person I know! And became a shopaholic after coming to Delhi. I am a fan of lip balms OMG I would say an obsession! Nail polish is my other obsession after lip balms, keep watching for my posts.

Everyone knows the goodness of coconut oil and aloe vera gel. I can’t pass a day without these two things. Here is a DIY beauty recipe that contains these two products only. I became a fan of aloe vera gel, after my first purchase of aloe vera gel from Tropical spice plantation, Goa. It was a miracle product, of course no other product worked so well for me. You will need coconut oil and aloe vera gel. I am using Patanjali coconut oil (due to extreme cold in Delhi my oil has solidified) and Nature’s Essesnce aloe vera gel.


How to Make Coconut Aloe Cream?:

Step 1: Take a container with wide mouth and put equal amounts of both the ingredients. Use your finger to mix them up for around a minute. I usually make in very little amounts as you can make it easily and whenever you want.

Read More »Coconut and Aloe Vera Gel Cream – Do It Yourself